Saturday, 14 August 2010

OPEN DAY tomorrow, torrential rain today

Oh well it would have been good to have been able to spend today tidying up as there's a gang of family and friends here specially to help. But rain has definitely stopped play, even an attempt to dash out and do some labelling resulted in a near drowning experience. The ground still feels totally dry, I feel totally drenched. Derry Watkins is kindly coming despite the rain but if this persists I'll put her off first thing in the morning. Lawton Hall herbs are also coming, plus Coppice Wood project with beautiful and practical willow and hazel structures, Brook Street Pottery with a selection of their hand thrown frost proof pots in all sizes and Shelley Faye Lazaar with her hand painted scarfs and throws. Teas are only really possible if the weather is half way decent as there's not enough undercover space.... hope for sun!


  1. I will cross my fingers for you, it looks like tomorrow will be dry. Hope you have a great day with lots of people coming.

  2. Thanks, who knows! Weather forecast looks more hopeful, weeds extremely happy with some rain!
