Friday, 23 November 2012

the beginning and the end

The final  package to go out from these gardens this year is the most poignant. A wild woven wreath for the wicker coffin of my beloved children's father. He was once my best friend, my mate, my chum as well as my lover and my husband. A kind soul, a ready wit, a bright mind, a curious spirit. He was the father of our two utterly wonderful children. Our lives took quite different directions and last week his reached its end.

He will be buried on Monday in a green burial plot in Kent. Perhaps a seed head or two from his hoop will spill something that will germinate and grow to mark the spot.

In every end there is a beginning. And every beginning leads inevitably to an end.


  1. A very moving tribute to the father of your children. My sympathy to everyone.
    The woven wreath is beautiful.

  2. You haven't had your sorrows to seek over the last while; I hope there are more settled times ahead. My sympathies.

    1. Thank you - I'm seeking some soft and fluffy times next please!

  3. Praying for your soft and fluffy times to begin soon.
